Some men drink wine..
“It cannot be said that we should think alike, when one drinks water and the other drinks wine.”
True, and nicely put. Were we both in the same situation, and both reasoned correctly, it might be thought that we would both come to the same choice as to our drinking; and dressing, and and voting, etc.
I hope I get some credit for this nice proof of the complexity of man’s mind, but I claim no originality; merely that I have brought it to your attention, from where it has been lurking these last 400 years. Or, indeed 2,400 years.
For Francis Bacon said it of himself, to underline the uniqueness of his thinking in his “Novum Organum”, and he (it seems [thank you Mr. Spedding]) was quoting Philocrates who said it of Demosthenes in 346 B.C..
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