27 January 2022

Against compulsory immunization

Against Compulsory Immunization

These are strange times, and politicians have felt the need to take emergency action; at times breaking established norms. They can be forgiven for making the wrong call on occasion, for, like the ship's captain at the Court-Martial, they could say: " Gentlemen, you took a year to decide that my action was wrong. I had only 2 days." But, if it becomes clear that politicians have made the wrong call, we should be allowed to say so. 

It has gradually become clear to me, during the last 2 weeks that people should not be compelled to be vaccinated.
[1]  There is some evidence that some immunizations do cause harm. The AstraZenica vaccine, which involved a modified from of an AdenoVirus vehicle,  seems to cause blod-clots at a very, very, low frequency, possibly when the injection accidentally pierces a blood vessel. And, early in the history of polio immunization, some incompletely-killed virus was injected (Cutter incident, 1955).
[2]  The belief that the right people will survive disease, if God wills it so, while probably being a misguided, even blasphemous, belief, nevertheless can be held very strongly and honestly. Allowing such a belief is akin to "Freedom of Religion".
There are staff shortages in nursing homes and hospitals.
It is, of course, wrong to allow carriers of live-virus to enter a hospital or nursing home where there are vulnerable people. It is right to protect the latter from infection.
However, immunization does not completely eliminate the possibility of infection, and hence the carrying of live virus. A considerable fraction of current cases are fully vaccinated, and I know several people who have caught the infection a second time.
[6]  The presence of live virus can be detected by regular and systematic screening (for RNA, antigen and antibodies.) Such screening might be as effective as unconfirmed immunization. Perhaps even more reliable.
[6]  An irrational and 'doctrinal' faith in the efficacy of vaccines can legitimately damage credibility and trust.
[7]  The data should be allowed to speak.
[8]  It might be the case that short-staffing is as damaging to the health of patients, as the presence of well-trained, well-screened, but un-vaccinated staff. 

Just a thought!

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