27 September 2014

"Islamic State" and the present bombing spree

Hear hear! I applaud Major General Jonathan Shaw, the only sane voice that I have heard on
Islamic State, and the present (September 2014) bombing spree.
(You can listen on the following link from 6min 20 sec: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p027gp8k)

This is "a battle for the soul of Islam", and it should surely be left to
them. The involvement of the West is a distraction, a distortion, and
is counter productive.
(Is not democracy a "government of the people by the people for the
people"? )

Some people think of the middle east as an 'oil-rich' area, the source
of much of OUR oil. They forget that it is the homeland of millions of
people who have opted for a way of life and a religion that is
different from ours. Some think our 'homeland security' requires us to
invade their homeland. 

Ian West
12 Longhirst Village,
Tel: 01670 791880

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